On November 7th – Elect

David Feuerstein - 4TH WARD COUNCIL

David has been a resident of Hillside for the past 16 years. Having served on the Zoning Board for more than 7 years, David has seen the struggle of attracting new development in town and the frustrations of people dealing with the Township bureaucracy. It’s time for a fresh look at how things are done and someone with the energy and passion for improvement.

David is an entrepreneur and business owner for Commercial Insurance.


1. Stabilizing Taxes

Neglected infrastructure has led to steep tax increases with nothing to show for it. Hard working tax payers should at least have basic services for the exorbitant tax rates. Raising taxes is not a sustainable solution nor a long term strategy.

2. Town Pool

6 years is more than enough time to strategize and come up with a viable solution. To compound the problem, the longer we wait the more costs have increased. As of now, the pool has been bonded on the back on the tax payer but no one is asking what happens when its completed. How will we pay for the maintenance and upkeep? There needs to be a new solution to this old problem.

3. Good Government

Accountability and transparency have been the bottle-neck of almost every Council meeting. We have been at a standstill for the past 6 years. Being able to work together has been taken for granted to the detriment of the people. We need someone who has business experience and will have new solutions to old inefficiencies. 


Hillside Township needs someone who is creative, energetic, with a focus on solution-oriented-results. IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE!


Zoning Board

Approved significant projects in town which transformed the aesthetic of the location while maintaining minimum impact on residence.

Township Insurance Cost

David fought to be the Township broker and was able to save the Township more than $1,700,000 and about $1,400,000 for the Board of Education totaling over $3,00,000 saved to the taxpayers. Such a savings had not been done in over a decade. David was able to negotiate with all parties involved including the Labor Unions, Administration and Council in order to implement these savings. How were those savings reinvested into the Township? We need answers. Fiscal scrutiny is done for businesses every day and the Township is no different. This is the kind of expertise required to make long lasting change.


Creatively improve the Township on a few different levels:
  1. Bring developers to invest in our Town and capital projects. This will change the ratables and give Hillside an aesthetic upgrade. Many have expressed interest but are weary of the bureaucracy.
  2. Streamline the approval and administrative process which will encourage more development.
  3. Coordinate between the Administration and County for ongoing services not currently utilized. Improving this relationship will be invaluable.
  4. Reduce overspending in the Town budget and scrutinize each line item for transparency and innovative solutions.

Final Note

Help David Feuerstein win the Ward 4 Council seat! It’s time for a fresh and energetic outlook! We can’t do the same thing for four more years. New Energy, New Solutions!

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